The Vimana

                Let’s talk about Vimana or Aeroplan Airplane. This is a type of vehicle which flies on air. Nowadays Aeroplan is the fastest travelling system for people, with the help of this vehicle we can travel any country or any continent in small amount of time. Generally, in Sanskrit this aircraft is called Vimana. Instead of these, the broad spectrum of uses for Aeroplan includes recreation, military purpose and research. Commercial aviation is a massive industry involving the flying of tens of thousands of passengers daily on Airliners. Most Airplanes are flown by a pilot on board the aircraft, but some are designed to be remotely or computer-controlled.
The Wright Brothers and their first airplane
The Wright Brothers and their airplane
                The Wright Brothers took the credit of invention of Airplane. They invented and flew the first Airplane in 1903 as well as we know. But is it true? Yes, of course it is true that they invent the Airplane but they are not First. It’s the time of 1895, Eight years before. The first Airplane is ready to fly in India. That’s the time when India is in under the rule of British, the first Airplane is ready to create a new History. And the Airplane was flown by Shivkar Bapuji Talpade, but history is not written. Shivkar Bapuji Talpade lived in Bombay and was a scholar of Sanskrit literature and the Vedas. He got a book, by Maharishi Bharadwaja, which told the story about a Vimana or Aeroplan or
Shivakar Talpode and Shashtri
Shashtri and Shivakar Talpode
Airplane, about the mechanism of Vimana, about the flying skill of Vimana. Talpade’s airplane was named Marutsakha, derived from the Sanskrit Marut (‘air’ or ‘stream’) and sakha (‘friend’) which together mean ‘Friend of Wind’.
                Not only that if you think that first Airplane is created in 1985, because that was a rebuilt of a machine that lost in the pages of Vedas. It is mostly impossible to find when the actual first Airplane is created. Many of Indian and Greek Mythology we found about the aircraft, some of aircraft can fly itself and some of aircraft flew by a pilot or ‘Ratha Sarthi’ (in Sanskrit’). Many Gods go to war in that. What you think? Is it not similar to Jet planes of nowadays? Even we found in Ramayana that Ravana, villain of Ramayana (a book on Hindu God Rama), use an aircraft to kidnap Sita (wife of Rama). The aircraft of Ravana has name ‘Pushpak Vimana’. Not only this we found a lot of story based on Vimana, its function, its uses – they use various of Vimana for various of work, that means they have different aircraft for different works. Just think about that and keep open your eyes because what you see or what you hear maybe false.

Source : Somewhere in Internet
Script by : Pallab Nandi

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."


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