The Messages from the Water

                You all know about how important is Water in our life. And this is a chemical compound of two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen. But can you trust that Water gives us various messages for various action on it.
                Dr. Masaru Emoto was the first person who discover that Water gives us different reply on different action. Masaru Emoto was a Japanese author, researcher, photographer and entrepreneur, who claimed that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Emoto’s conjecture evolved over the years, and his early work explored his belief that water could react to positive thoughts and words, and that polluted water could be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization.
Dr. Masaru Emoto

                It was 1994 when the idea to freeze water and observe it with microscope came upon Dr. Masaru Emoto’s mind. With this method, Masaru Emoto was convinced that he should be able to see something like snow crystals. After two months of trial and error, this idea bore fruit. The beautifully shining hexagonal crystals were created from the invisible world. Masaru Emoto’s staff at the laboratory and he were absorbed in it and began to do many rersearches.
                At first, Masaru Emoto and his partners strenuously observed crystals of tap water, river water, and lake water. From the tap water they could not get any beautiful crystals. They could not get any beautiful ones from rivers and lakes near big cities, either. However, from the water from rivers and lakes where water is kept pristine from development, we could observe beautiful crystals with each one having its own uniqueness.
The Observation was done in various ways:
  1. Observe the crystal of freezing water after showing letters to water.
  2. Showing pictures to water.
  3. Playing music to water.
  4. Praying to water.
            In all of these experiments, distilled water for hospital usage produced by the same company was used. Since it is distilled twice, it can be said that is pure water.
            The result was that they always observed beautiful crystals after giving good words, playing good music, and showing, playing, or offering pure prayer to water. On the other hand, they observed disfigured crystals in the opposite situation. Moreover, we never observed identical crystals. Masaru Emoto published these results as photograph collections: “Messages from Water 1” (1999), “Messages from Water 2” (2002), “Messages from Water 3” (2004), and “Messages from Water 4” (2008). (All of them are published from Hado Kyoiku-Sha.)
            Then in November 2001, “Water Knows the Answer” (Sunmark Publishing) was published not as a photograph collection but as explanatory book. Many of you know that these books have become bestseller not only in Japan but also rather in overseas.
            It is “beauty” if I were asked about the selection criteria of crystals.
            This world is filled with wonders and mysteries that get more incomprehensible if we try to think of a reason. In a familiar situation, for example, why do dogs exist and why do cat exist? Why do mice exist and why do snake exist? Why are there cherry blossom trees and why are there willow trees? What is human being in the first place? As such, there are so many incomprehensible things that we cannot understand at all.
            Thus, except for some of truly basic things, no one disagrees that are still so many unknowns. Probably we understand 3%. In other words, I think 97% is unknown. The reason why the number is 3% is that the research of geneticists revealed the level of our DNA activation is 3%.
            I believe the original idea of creation by the creator of this universe was “the pursuit of beauty.” Everything is combination of energetic vibration. As vibration resonates, it makes some tangible objects.”
This world is filled with wonders and mysteries that get more incomprehensible if we try to think of a reason. In a familiar situation, for example, why do dogs exist and why do cats exist? Why do mice exist and why do snakes exist? Why are there cherry blossom trees and why are there willow trees? What is a human being in the first place? As such, there are so many incomprehensible things that we cannot understand at all.

Thus, except for some of truly basic things, no one disagrees that there are still so many unknowns. Probably we understand 3%. in other words, I think 97% is unknown. The reason why the number is 3% is that the research of geneticists revealed the level of our DNA activation is 3%.
I believe the original idea of creation by the creator of this universe was “the pursuit of beauty.” Everything is combination of energetic vibration. As vibration resonates, it makes some tangible objects.
           Dr. Masaru Emoto.




Source: Somewhere in Internet
Script by: Pallab Nandi

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."


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